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¡Guerra en el sistema Tython! Las visiones de Daegen LoK se han cumplido, el Imperio Infinito rakatano ha invadido brutalmente el sistema y ya se ha hecho con la mayoría de los planetas colonizadas y han establecido su base principal en Ska Gora.

Shae Koda, Sek´Nos, y el resto de los je´daii, comandados por Lok y Xesh, tendrán que hacer frente a los salvajes incursores de carne y a los sabuesos de fuerza  del Imperio. Para llevar a cabo tal hazaña, tendrán que usar las espadas de energía rakatana, un arma temible ya que es necesario dejarse llevar por el lado oscuro para poder blandirla. ¿Podrán los je´daii salvaguardar su planeta natal, y con éste a toda la galaxia?

Ostrander y Duursema cierran con este tomo la historia más antigua que jamás se haya contado sobre el universo de Star Wars, y lo hacen por todo lo grande con una historia espectacular cuyo único fallo es el tener un final demasiado precipitado.

Veréis que en el reverso del comic ya aparece el logotipo de Disney; y es que como ya sabréis, la empresa del ratón Mickey es la actual propietaria de Lucasfilm, por lo que a partir de 2015 será Marvel quien empiece a publicar comics de Star Wars, asestándole un duro golpe a Dark Horse, que pierden una de sus franquicias más vendidas. Para todos los que crecimos con estos comics, éste es y será por siempre el auténtico Universo Expandido de Star Wars. Os dejamos aquí el comunicado que escribió Mike Richardson el pasado marzo. 

All things come to pass. So too, do all licensed deals. I am sad to report that Disney, the new owner of Lucasfilm, has notified us here at Dark Horse of their intention to move the Star Wars publishing license to another of their recent acquisitions, Marvel Comics, beginning in 2015. This will end a partnership that has lasted more than two decades.

For those who are new to the industry, Dark Horse revolutionized the treatment of comics based on films. After a history of movie properties being poorly handled with little regard for execution and continuity, Dark Horse took a new approach, carefully choosing licenses and approaching them with excitement and creative energy. Our goal was to create sequels and prequels to the films we loved, paying careful attention to quality and detail, essentially treating those films as though they were our own. Star Wars has been the crown jewel of this approach. We began chasing the title as far back as 1989, and with the launch of Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy’sDark Empire, a new era in comics was born. I’m not ashamed to admit that we wereStar Wars geeks, and we have been determined to spare neither effort nor expense in the pursuit of excellence.

It is ironic that this announcement comes at a time when Dark Horse is experiencing its most successful year ever. For obvious reasons, we have prepared for this eventuality by finding new and exciting projects to place on our schedule for 2015 and beyond. Will they take the place of Star Wars? That’s a tall order, but we will do our best to make that happen. In the meantime, 2014 may be our last year at the helm of the Star Wars comics franchise, but we plan to make it a memorable one. We know that fans of the franchise will expect no less. The Force is with us still.
Mike Richardson


Autores: John Ostrander y Jan Duursema
Editorial: Planeta DeAgostini
Páginas: 120
Precio: 14,95€

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